UK supermarket giant Sainsbury’s is taking a major step towards its ‘Plan for Better’ sustainability goals with a new paperboard packaging solution for its private-label breaded chicken products.

The PaperSeal Shape tray, developed by Graphic Packaging International in collaboration with Moy Park and G. Mondini, delivers a significant plastic reduction while maintaining product quality and shelf life.

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PaperSeal Shape utilises a patented double-sealing flange and rigid construction to create a hermetic seal for modified atmosphere trays.

This allows Sainsbury’s to achieve a plastic reduction of 72-82% per tray, depending on the size.

This translates to the removal of approximately 300 tonnes of plastic from the supply chain annually.

The PaperSeal Shape trays are designed for easy kerbside recycling, containing less than 10% plastic by total weight.

This ensures compliance with the UK’s On-Pack Recycling Label guidelines.

“We worked closely with the team at Moy Park to ensure operational and supply chain efficiency was optimised, and supplying the trays from our UK packaging facility helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with packaging transport,” said Paul Tye, business development director at Graphic Packaging.

Matt Harris, head of packaging at Moy Park, commented: “Moy Park has a keen focus on developing sustainable, recyclable packaging solutions and this collaborative project has pooled expertise from across the value chain to deliver an innovative, recyclable paperboard tray solution, ultimately removing a significant tonnage of plastics from the supply chain,”

The PaperSeal Shape initiative serves as a strong example for the packaging industry, demonstrating the power of collaboration in achieving ambitious sustainability targets.