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In this issue of Inside Packaging we find out more about the delivery service market as new research has found that the European out-of-home (OOH) sector is expected to grow by 6% to hit €6bn by 2020. We find out how this is providing opportunities for innovation in the packaging space.

We also find out how recycling rates are increasing, learn more about how sensory engagement can entice consumers and discover the latest emerging trends for businesses.

Finally, we ask why the size of confectionery packs is slowly reducing and analyse the new solutions that are on offer to revolutionise the future of food waste.

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In this issue

Gourmet On The Go
Out of home delivery services – such as Deliveroo and Just Eat – are expected to eclipse full-service restaurants by 2020.Eloise McLennan finds out how this is providing opportunities for innovation in the packaging space.
Click here to read more.

Recycling Rates
A consortium of European companies has set up a project to increase flexible packaging recycling rates. Katie Woodward finds out how this how this initiative can fast forward the recycling stream.
Click here to read more.

Sensory Engagement
To entice consumers, brands use many tactics on their product packs. Personalisation is one area that has been fully tapped into, however there are other avenues which engage the senses. Joe Baker analyses how brands are using sensory elements to enhance their packaging.
Click here to read more.

Packing a Punch
With ever-growing pressures on businesses to enhance end-user experience, whilst minimising overheads, maximising supply chain efficiencies and also reducing their carbon footprint, the packaging sector is constantly being called upon to pioneer new packaging products which tick all these boxes. Jason Poxon, Packaging Technologist at Antalis Packaging, finds out more.
Click here to read more.

The Disappearing Act
Hundreds of items, including toilet rolls, chocolate and biscuits have seen prices stay the same as pack sizes shrink. Callum Tyndall finds out what is behind the shrinking epidemic that has seen pack size reduce for the second time in the last 12 months.
Click here to read more.

A Thin Line
New technologies and improved dialogue with consumers has seen brands and retailers turn to packaging in order to reduce food waste. Sonia Sharma profiles what new solutions are on offer to revolutionise the future of food.
Click here to read more.

Next issue preview

Counterfeit cosmetics and fragrances not only result in significant economic loss to the industry, but they also pose a considerable risk to consumer health. We find out what role packaging and authentication techniques can play in this sector.

In the next issue, we also find out how glass is being utilised in pharmaceuticals, learn more about on-shelf appeal and profile the next industrial revolution.

Finally, we ask why many e-commerce deliveries are over packaged and discover how a packaging strategist could contribute to the supply chain.

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