Far from being only a means to protect and transport goods, packaging is also an essential tool for marketing as well as for shaping or maintaining brand identity. In this issue we take a close look at packaging and label design.
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We ask industry insiders to uncover the secrets behind intelligent marketing through packaging design and some of the most legendary packaging campaigns, and speak to leading designers to find out why brands are increasingly embracing inclusive design. We also look at the tricky task of introducing new packaging to a heritage brand and profile the top designs honoured at this year’s Pentawards in an interactive gallery.
Articles featured in this issue:
Designed to Impress
As well as protecting a product, packaging helps to shape brands like no other marketing tool. We speak to Scott Lucas of Interbrand about the secrets of intelligent marketing through packaging design.
Read the full article.
A League of Their Own
Those honoured with a Pentaward quickly achieve a reputation as the finest packaging designers in the world. We look at the top winners of the 2011awards in an interactive gallery.
Read the full article.
Brand Transformations
Overhauling the packaging of heritage products can be a tricky process. Gilchrist’s Lisa Bale and Barry Pritchard of Twinings tell us about integrating a new carton structure with a familiar brand, and the benefits of a long-term relationship between brand and designer.
Read the full article.
Goodbye Mr & Mrs Average
In their effort to appeal to the widest possible market, brands are re-thinking the old-fashioned notion of targeting an ‘average consumer’. We find out how designers develop packaging campaigns based on an understanding of the entire spectrum of consumers.
Read the full article.
Spotlight on the Label
As the EU sets out to tighten up laws on the accuracy of product information, we investigate how standardised European regulations will affect packaging companies, food producers and retailers.
Read the full article.
Next Issue: February 2012
In a time of growing concerns about environmental issues and the carbon footprint of products and operations, the packaging industry has come under pressure to constantly improve the sustainability of its products.
In the next issue we investigate the strategies companies are adopting to improve the eco-credentials of their packaging in the light of increasing awareness among consumers. We look at innovative, environmentally friendly materials and technologies, and find out how their integration can become a brand strategy in itself.
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Inside Packaging is a digital magazine for the packaging industry. Published bi-monthly, this innovative publication offers in-depth coverage of the packaging industry in an exciting interactive format with animation and video content.
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