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Issue 25

In the latest issue of Inside Packaging we profile the most innovative on-the-go packaging solutions for fitness-loving consumers.

Also, we take a look at the evolving world of corrugated packaging and how it is reducing food waste, as well as going deeper into the

Tetra Pak eBeam sterilisation technology and how it affects business in the launch country of Brazil and we find out why anti-ageing packaging is not connecting with the older generation.

Moreover, learn more about the design and manufacturing trends in the European retail packaging market, profile the recent UK legislation that requites large retailers to charge for plastic bags and, finally, we discuss why packaging should be used to effectively communicate with consumers.

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In This Issue

Grab and Go
Finding food and beverage solutions for the gym that do not weigh down your bag can be a labourious task. We look at the innovative solutions that can make on-the-go consumption a breeze.
Click here to read more.

A Corrugated Life
As the takeaway food sector continues to evolve so must the corrugated packaging sector. We find out how corrugated packaging is adapting to changes in the food industry to reduce on-the-go food waste.
Click here to read more.

Game Changer
Tetra Pak recently launched their new eBeam sterilization technology. Inside Packaging takes a look at Tetra Pak’s success in the South American market.
Click here to read more.

Turn Back Time
Research shows that anti-ageing skincare packaging is not resonating with older consumers. We find out how brands can adapt their packaging to cater to the older generation.
Click here to read more.

Meeting New Needs
Our new series of special issues published in association with Canadean explores the major trends shaping European retail packaging in the coming years. Here, we take a look at key design and manufacturing trends and their drivers.
Click here to read more.

The Plastic Tax
On 5 October 2015, the government introduced a new law that will require large retailers to charge for plastic bags in store and online. We discuss why more needs to be done about this issue.
Click here to read more.

Communicating with Consumers
Every day consumers are faced with countless food and produce choices. We address why the food industry needs to ensure packaging is being used to effectively communicate with customers.
Click here to read more.

Next Issue: January 2016

Inside Packaging visited the recently unveiled H.B. Fuller Adhesive Academy in Lüneberg, Germany to find out what it takes to hold the industry together. Join us behind the scenes at this new centre. We also find out more about authentication innovations in the food and beverage packaging market.

In this issue we also profile the progression of caps and closures in different sectors by looking at the solutions that United Caps are working on, as well as looking at the new challenges posed to the packaging sector by the move towards ‘little and often’ shopping habits.

Moreover, we find out if glass, metal and paper packaging are going out of fashion in favour of more flexible products, in addition to investigating the inventive connectors that are able to dispense liquid foods.

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