Rise of Recycled Ocean Plastic in Packaging Trends
Packaging materials are clearly a key topic in the discussion of sustainability. Reducing environmental impacts of the packaging industry, finding alternatives to single-use plastic, and increasing recycling rates are all, understandably, high on the agenda. Consumers are becoming increasingly eco-conscious, but what does that mean for the packaging industry?
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In this issue, we look at the potential of aluminium as an alternative material to plastic in drinks packaging, and whether historical hurdles with aluminium packaging could now be overcome.
It seems general awareness of where plastic refuse ends up after product consumption has been increasing steadily – the events in Malaysia back in January are still lingering in the minds of many. We cast an eye on whether recycling ocean plastic could be an opportunity for the packaging industry.
We also speak to the secretary general of FEVE about their Close the Glass Loop initiative, the current landscape of glass recycling in Europe and predictions for the future.
Meanwhile, environmental concerns are forcing the CPG industry to radically rethink traditional working processes. We speak to Dassault Systèmes about how software can help manufacturers improve sustainability.
As well as all of this, we also gain insight into some of the difficulties in the retail sector concerning branding and packaging design.
Many parents know all too well the pester power children can produce in supermarket aisles when confronted with products emblazoned with their favourite characters. We investigate the efforts being made to redress the balance.
Lastly, we hear from the Creative Director at Third Floor Design, as they offer their perspective on craft beer branding and how what started as loud, stand-out branding is at risk of becoming a homogenous, albeit brash, sea of similarity.
In this issue
Close the loop: how Industry 4.0 is aiding sustainable material development
Environmental concerns are forcing the consumer packaged goods (CPG) industry to radically rethink traditional working processes. Julian Turner talks to Jonathan Bailey of Dassault Systèmes about how the 3DEXPERIENCE software platform can help CPG packaging manufacturers improve sustainability.
Closing the glass loop with FEVE
In July 2018, the European Commission’s Circular Economy Action Plan came into force with an ambitious new target of boosting glass recycling rates to 75% by 2030. So how will it be achieved? Luke Christou speaks to Adeline Farrelly, secretary general of FEVE, to find out more about their Close the Glass Loop initiative.
Sea of opportunity: is recycled ocean plastic the next big packaging trend?
Last year, Dutch non-profit The Ocean Cleanup announced plans to make products from plastic caught during its first mission within the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. With other groups looking to create new products out of reclaimed ocean plastic, Ross Davies looks into the opportunities for the packaging industry.
Could recyclability give aluminium bottles the edge over plastic?
Although consumers are becoming increasingly conscious of the materials used in packaging, there have been some barriers to shifting away from plastic drinks packaging. Luke Christou investigates whether we are about to see these hurdles overcome through the use of aluminium as an alternative.
Pester power: protecting children from junk food marketing
Packaging featuring popular cartoon characters exerts a huge influence on children – and the parents who buy their food. Barbara Crowther of the Children’s Food Campaign discusses the issue of pester power, the marketing of unhealthy foods to children, and the efforts being made to redress the balance on supermarket shelves with Chris Lo.
Is craft beer branding about to implode?
Craft beer has boomed over the last few years, and a historic theme has been brands, from small independents to mass market products, taking a brash approach in their product design and branding. James Cowdale, creative director of Third Floor Design offers his perspective.
Next issue preview
In the next issue of Inside Packaging, we explore how cloud-based label management systems could potentially transform production and the supply chain by digitalising and centralising the labelling process.
We also speak to the CEO of Garçon Wines about the company’s new approach to wine packaging, and delve into some emerging products that have been introduced in reaction to the plastic straw ban.
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