UK firm 3Boys has developed the new ‘Green Your Cup’ recyclable takeaway coffee cup in a bid to reduce the 25,000t of standard cups that end up in landfill annually.

The cup’s polyethylene lining separates from the cup to enable easy recycling.

3Boys chief executive Martin Myerscough said that the cup can be recycled up to seven times into newspapers.

"I always thought it was such a waste that disposable coffee cups couldn’t be easily recycled. In these times of limited resources and diminishing landfill space, a single-use cup that can’t be recycled is an indulgence we just cannot afford," he added.

Rainforest Alliance spokesperson Stuart Singleton-White said: "We look forward to seeing it become the standard cup that coffee shops and cafes use for those takeaway drinks we all love."

Research by consumer watchdog Which? has found that every year around 2.5 billion coffee cups end up in landfill in the UK.

At present, 3Boys is negotiating with coffee shop chains and supermarkets to launch the product nationally before the end of the year.