Austria-based packaging solutions provider ALPLA will leverage software from contract intelligence company Icertis to enable contract automation.

The launch of the platform comes less than a year after ALPLA embarked on a digital transformation initiative to modernise contract management and improve efficiency across its headquarters in Austria and its more than 177 sites in 45 countries.

Since utilising the contract intelligence, ALPLA has reportedly seen a decrease in contract cycle time with an eSignature tool and a standardised and automated process across 12 contract configurations.

The company is also aiming for greater cohesiveness across geographies with 30 bilingual and single-language contract templates to help manage risk and demonstrate compliance.

ALPLA head of legal Dr. Christian Sparl commented: “Before implementation, ALPLA’s processes were disparate, and it was difficult to manage compliance during contract creation and post-signature from a global perspective.

“Now, we can automate contract creation while also centralising data across systems to ensure transparency and compliance after the contracts are signed.”

Icertis vice president of customer advocacy in Europe Roman Howe added: “With ALPLA’s successful go live, the company can ensure the intent of every contract is correctly memorialised and fully realised across the enterprise to help reduce costs and ultimately increase revenue.”

Icertis supplied packaging company Krones with its contract intelligence in early 2023.