Rigid plastic packaging manufacturer Amcor Rigid Plastics has joined The Recycling Partnership, a collaborative, industry funded effort to boost residential recycling in the US.
Other members of the partnership include the Alcoa Foundation, American Chemistry Council, American Forest & Paper Association, the Association of Postconsumer Plastic Recyclers, Ball, Carton Council, Coca-Cola, Society of the Plastics Industry, and Sonoco Products.
Amcor Rigid Plastics president Mike Schmitt said: "Product stewardship is a key focus area within Amcor’s sustainability strategy and we see investment in The Recycling Partnership as one way for us to enable higher recycling rates in the US. This programme brings together all parts of the packaging value chain and has the ability to rapidly scale recycling efforts across the nation."
The Recycling Partnership has already selected initial partner cities for the first round of funding, which are set to receive technical and financial assistance targeting four key areas: recycling access, champion building, regional coordination and education and outreach.
Amcor Rigid Plastics global sustainability manager Charlie Schwarze said: "As a global packaging leader, Amcor’s management and co-workers are resolute in our commitment to the communities where we work and live. Amcor’s involvement in a structured, multi-stakeholder group focused on recycling will ignite communities with education while providing real economic and environmental benefits."
Formed following an industry stakeholder meeting convened by the Southeast Recycling Development Council (SERDC) in December 2013, The Recycling Partnership has been designed to finance one-time private investments with public funding to support recycling in several cities.