Henkel, a global leader in adhesives, sealants and functional coatings, has been recognised by the US Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) for its hot melt labelling products.

The products are Technomelt EM 11, Technomelt EM 37, Technomelt EM 31, Technomelt EM 59 RE and Technomelt EM 38 RE.

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APR Design for recyclability recognition provides independent validation that a package or packaging component is compatible with the North American recycling system.

Hot melt labelling adhesives are used in a variety of packaging and container applications across fast-moving consumer goods products.

Henkel’s portfolio of Technomelt EM labelling adhesives aims to assure reliable, sustainable bonding and secure label application.

The Technomelt product portfolio includes biobased formulations and solutions such as wash-off features to support a circular economy.

Henkel’s vice-president of North America’s consumer goods adhesives Jean-Philippe Caye commented: “Our labelling products provide a variety of options to aid in PET (polyethylene terephthalate) recycling for containers and help our packaging and consumer goods customers meet their own sustainability commitments.”

APR president and CEO Steve Alexander added: “Recyclable packaging means less waste, more efficient use of limited natural resources and more high-quality post-consumer resin (PCR) for new products.”

Henkel recently introduced a cleaner and coater technology to boost efficiency and sustainability in metal pretreatment.