The European headquarters of the Japanese technology group Asahi Kasei has become a member of Plastics Europe Germany.
Plastics Europe Germany is a pan-European association of plastics manufacturers. With close to 100 members producing more than 90% of all polymers across Europe, Plastics Europe aims to engage with stakeholders and deliver solutions which are safe, circular in usage and sustainable.
Founded in 2016, Asahi Kasei Europe has been developing and marketing engineering plastics and fibres, particle foams and other functional materials for a range of industries.
Asahi Kasei Europe general manager of engineering plastics Martin Aeschlimann explains that the company has joined the Plastics Europe Germany organisation because it has “a responsibility to contribute to a more sustainable society. This requires new technical developments, but also co-operation and an open exchange with other companies.”
Asahi Kasei offers solutions along the entire material cycle, including the production of hydrogen as an alternative energy source, bio-based base chemicals and materials and new recycling technologies for polyamide 66 and carbon fibre composites. The group is committing itself to become carbon neutral by 2050.
Plastics Europe Germany executive director Ingemar Bühler commented: “Asahi Kasei can serve as a driver for the development of products and product grades to open up new businesses and application areas for the European market.”
Europe accounts for more than 20% of the global bioplastics market, largely due to the rising demand for applications of sustainable packaging for consumer goods.
In 2023, Asahi Kasei joined the Japan Hydrogen Forum to advance decarbonisation activities as a member of its Hydrogen Production Committee.