Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) is now a part of the CDP’s ‘Road to Paris’ initiative, which intends to endorse a global timeline for reducing the loss of natural forests in half by 2020, and completely eliminate the loss by 2030.
The joint initiative undertaken by CDP and We Mean Business aims to promote low-carbon economy in order to secure sustainable economic growth.
APP has joined the initiative, which comprises other members as well, to move ahead with a universal climate agreement before the UN Climate Change Conference (COP21) which will be hosted in Paris in December.
The members intend to eliminate commodity-driven deforestation from their supply chains, which accounts almost 15% of global greenhouse gas emissions.
The firms will co-ordinate to focus on sustainable production of agricultural commodities, including soy, palm oil, leather, beef, timber, and pulp.
APP has already been following a ‘zero deforestation commitment’ across its supply chains since February 2013.
The firm also intends to phase out around 7,000ha of commercial plantation for protecting carbon-rich peatlands in Indonesia, as announced in August.
APP sustainability managing director Aida Greenbury said: "As a signatory to the ‘Road to Paris’ initiative, we have demonstrated our continued commitment to protecting the world’s remaining forests.
"Ambitious targets such as zero deforestation can be agreed to, implemented and achieved by global companies, many of those operating in emerging economies. Our view is that wherever a company is involved in the forest supply chain, they should be committing to fight climate change and deforestation.
"We look forward to working with CDP and the We Mean Business Coalition to help spread this message during Climate Week in New York, as well as the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris in December."