Beverage Can Makers Europe (BCME) has merged its operations with European Metal Packaging (Empac) to form a new entity, Metal Packaging Europe.

The merged entity is expected to produce around 85 billion cans annually for the beverage, food, health and beauty, household and industrial markets.

Based in Brussels, Belgium, Metal Packaging Europe will include more than 450 manufacturing sites and will employ over 65,000 people.

Metal Packaging Europe chairman Martin Reynolds said: “This is a historical moment for our industry.

“Bringing all activity under one roof is an ambitious move that will allow the industry to develop and promote the multiple advantages of rigid metal packaging in an even more focused manner."

“Bringing all activity under one roof is an ambitious move that will allow the industry to develop and promote the multiple advantages of rigid metal packaging in an even more focused manner, particularly on unique benefits such as the permanent materials concept.”

Colep’s Francisco Rodrigues will join as vice-chairman of Metal Packaging Europe, which will see representatives from Ardagh Group, ASA Group, Blechwarenfabrik Limburg, Glud & Marstrand, HUBER Packaging Group, and others as board members.

Metal Packaging Europe CEO Gordon Shade said: “With the creation of one dedicated organisation, we will punch our industry weight more effectively and ensure the one voice of rigid metal packaging producers is heard across Europe.”

The newly merged company will also host industry commissions working on several common topics in the sectors of communications, food contact, packaging legislation, and sustainability.

It will also host specific market focused commissions, led by its member companies, for aerosol, beverage, food and general line.