UK-based waste management company Biffa has closed its purchase of Viridor Waste Management’s Collections business and some of its recycling assets.
The two companies initially opened the £126m ($178m) cash deal in May.
The acquired properties include three waste transfer stations in Edinburgh, Sheffield and Cornwall, 15 Industrial and Commercial (I&C) depots for business waste across the UK and ‘wet waste depots’ in Slough, Thurrock and Taunton.
Through the deal, Biffa aims to expand its I&C collections business, recycling capabilities and customer base while solidifying its position in the UK’s sustainable waste management sector.
The acquisition is also expected to add 21,000 customers to Biffa’s domestic portfolio.
Biffa chief executive Michael Topham said: “The acquisition of Viridor’s collections business and certain recycling assets is another significant step for Biffa, strengthening our leadership positions in a number of our core markets and accelerating the delivery of our growth strategy as we continue to leverage [our] unique position at the heart of the circular economy.
“On behalf of everyone at Biffa, I’m delighted to officially welcome our new Viridor colleagues to the business and look forward to working together as we continue to pursue the exciting growth opportunities that lie ahead.”
The acquisition is part of Biffa’s sustainability initiative, Resourceful Responsible, which was launched by the company last March.
A special purchase vehicle, Syracuse Waste, was founded to facilitate the deal.
In June, Biffa acquired a post-consumer plastic recycling facility in Grangemouth from Green Circle Polymers (GCP) in an effort to expand its plastic recycling capacity in Scotland.
The facility is one of the UK’s largest post-consumer plastic recycling facilities and processes 50,000t of plastics a year.
It can also sort coloured plastic material and metal cans.