Bioplastic resin manufacturing company BioLogiQ has launched three new grades of its plant-based plastic, NuPlastiQ BioPolymers, in order to promote reduction, recycling and composting.

The grades include NuPlastiQ XP High Performance BioPolymers for packaging applications, NuPlastiQ XD High Durability BioPolymers for durable goods applications, as well as NuPlastiQ BC Biodegradable/Compostable BioPolymers for foodservice and other packaging applications.

BioLogiQ president and founder Brad LaPray said: “Simply put, we make polymers from plants by turning polysaccharides, or plant starch, into plastic.

“This polymer actually forms an alloy with its partner polymers to produce new compounds that are stronger than the partner plastic would be by itself.

“We make polymers from plants by turning polysaccharides into plastic.”

“It’s like combining copper and zinc to make brass, an alloy that’s more durable than either of its ingredients are by themselves.”

The company said that it produces NuPlastiQ GP BioPolymers (GP) from natural, renewable resources, such as plants.

According to BioLogiQ, the combination of NuPlastiQ GP BioPolymers with traditional plastics to produce the new XP, XD, and BC grades makes resins stronger and more durable.

The resins also help reduce fossil fuel-based plastic usage and greenhouse gas generation.

The company has also claimed that the new grades will assist in maintaining the recyclability, compostability, or biodegradability of the traditional polymer.

NuPlastiQ XP BioPolymers are made by combining GP with traditional packaging plastics such as polyethylene, polypropylene and polystyrene.

They are used in applications, including flexible bags and pouches, jugs, handle bags, grocery sacks and trash bags.

NuPlastiQ XD BioPolymers are used in several applications, such as casings for mobile phones and other consumer electronics, hand tools, footwear, rigid containers and power tools.

Made by compounded NuPlastiQ GP and other biodegradable or compostable resins such as PHA, PBAT or PLA, NuPlastiQ BC BioPolymers help maintain or increase biodegradation levels in industrial compost conditions.