Global recycling industry federation the Bureau of International Recycling (BIR) has pledged support for global efforts to end plastic pollution by signing the Bridge to Busan Declaration.  

This move positions BIR alongside members of the UN Plastic Treaty’s Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC), pushing for a legally binding international agreement to address the issue. 

The declaration emphasises the need to tackle the entire life cycle of plastics, not just waste management.  

By supporting the international framework, the BIR agrees to promote full transparency in the plastic value chain and sustainable production practices to foster a circular economy.  

As per the Bridge to Busan Declaration, this includes providing data on the production of primary plastic polymers to eliminate information gaps while assessing progress and informing priorities. 

The BIR advocates for comprehensive measures, including sustainable product design and recycled content targets, alongside restrictions on harmful additives in plastic production. 

The fifth INC meeting is set to take place from 25 November to 1 December 2024 in Busan, South Korea.  

It is expected to be the final session before the Diplomatic Conference formally signs the treaty.  

The goal is to finalise the treaty text by the end of that session, although significant work remains to refine the details. 

The Bridge to Busan Declaration calls for members to commit to achieving sustainable levels of production of primary plastic polymers, including ensuring production matches the goal of a circular economy for plastics. 

Members should also comply with the Paris Agreement goal of maintaining warming to 1.5°C.