Bosch Packaging Technology and BillerudKorsnäs have developed a sustainable paper-based packaging concept as part of their continued partnership.

The Pearl concept involves BillerudKorsnäs’s patented 3D-formable paper FibreForm being processed on Bosch Packaging Technology’s machinery to form small packages called shaped paper pods.

Bosch Packaging Technology president Dr Stefan König said: “Developing sustainable packaging solutions is an urgent and challenging topic. New solutions must be sustainable and at the same time ensure efficient processing.

“By combining the expertise of BillerudKorsnäs in the field of paper-based packaging material with our technological know-how, we will be able to answer both challenges.”

Later this month, the companies are planning to showcase Pearl at the international food and technology exhibition in Tokyo, Japan.

The firms also pledged to work closely with their other partners in order to find improved packaging solutions that meet the demand from both consumers and brand owners in a sustainable fashion.

Bosch and BillerudKorsnäs set out on their first venture in 2016 by developing sealed paper packaging on a vertical form, fill and seal machine (VFFS).

According to BillerudKorsnäs, single-use plastic packaging is used mostly in the beauty and personal care, bread spreads, savoury and confectionery markets.

BillerudKorsnäs packaging solutions project manager Simon Johansson said: “The goal is to support these industries with a sustainable packaging system and replace plastic in product samples, inserts, refills, portion packs and disposable packaging.

“We have already passed several milestones in the project. Now we are inviting selected brand owners to join our journey towards a sustainable future.”

In March, Bosch Packaging Technology selected independent spend management firm Jaggaer to manage its logistics and procurement processes.