Vegware, a manufacturer and specialist in plant-based compostable foodservice packaging, has launched Close the Loop, a composting collection service for plastic-free takeaway packaging, in Bristol.

Close the Loop collects used takeaway packaging from foodservice businesses and converts it into rich compost for UK fields. Bristol’s foodservice businesses still heavily rely on disposable packaging without which sales could be reduced by up to a quarter.

Vegware also offers a new bring-back scheme, Composting Collective, which captures Vegware’s own used plastic-free takeaway containers for composting; its plant-based catering packaging is commercially compostable.  Vegware’s plastic-free takeaway packaging includes: coffee cups and lids, cutlery and takeaway containers – all made from renewable, lower-carbon or recycled materials.

The Composting Collective aims to unite local cafes and create a network of bring-back points for consumers to access composting. Café Matariki at Pacific Yoga and the Epiphany Café at the Royal West of England Academy are all members and promote Vegware using our window stickers and in-café posters.

Vegware Bristol recycling advisor Georgis Budden said: “Already popular in Scotland, Vegware’s Close the Loop composting collection service is now rolling out in Bristol, Gloucestershire and Worcestershire. Food waste and used Vegware is collected from cafes, offices, schools, health facilities and universities, and taken to Gloucestershire’s Rose Hill composting facility.

“Bristol people are so engaged in sustainability. We have seen huge demand for Close the Loop and are already collecting from a dozen sites, from independent cafes to offices and universities. We make bin signage and posters to make sure it is simple to choose the right bin. The local response has been amazing.”