KoolTemp GTS Carry Packs

Global insulated packaging manufacturer Cold Chain Technologies (CCT) has announced the launch of KoolTemp GTS Carry Packs to protect temperature-sensitive drug products from thermal and physical damage during short-term transport or intermediate storage.

The packs offer protection for refrigerated products for up to ten hours. They can be conditioned in a standard residential refrigerator / freezer easily and are suitable for pharmaceutical and biotech manufacturers, speciality pharmacies and clinical trial providers.

Cold Chain Technologies sales and marketing vice president TJ Rizzo said that the company has designed the new KoolTemp GTS Carry Packs to protect important drug therapies that are administered directly by patients in their everyday lives.

"In addition, the advanced version specifically protects the product from low temperature shock, making it easy to achieve an error-free pack-out. That is the difficult thing to protect against – thermal shock," Rizzo added.

CCT provides compliant thermal packaging solutions for the distribution and transport of temperature-sensitive products. Its line of KoolTemp insulated containers, Koolit refrigerant products, and KoolTemp GTS qualified shipping solutions are manufactured and distributed globally.

Image: Cold Chain Technologies’ KoolTemp GTS Carry Packs. Photo: courtesy of PRNewsFoto/Cold Chain Technologies.