The Colorado Senate has passed a producer responsibility bill aimed to reduce plastic packaging and improve the recycling system in Colorado, US.

The HB22-1355 bill aims to create an infrastructure to improve the collection and reusing of ‘valuable’ glass, aluminium and paper.

It includes an incentive for large companies to reduce their use of non-recyclable and unnecessary packaging for products that are already wrapped.

HB22-1355 cleared the legislature after 21 Senate members voted in favour of it on 11 May.

It is currently with Colorado Governor Jared Polis and will come into law if he signs it.

If the bill is passed into law, Colorado would join two other states, Maine and Oregon, in passing such a producer responsibility law.

Environment Colorado senior programme director Rex Wilmouth said: “Environment Colorado applauds the Colorado legislature for taking action to address our state’s rising tide of plastic waste.

“If enacted, this legislation will help reduce the amount of plastic we produce, especially unnecessary single-use packaging, and ultimately how much plastic waste we throw away.

“The Colorado Legislature has done its part. We now urge Governor Jared Polis to sign producer responsibility into law.”

Non-profit organisation CoPIRG executive director Danny Katz said: “Producer responsibility will help cut down on the amount of unnecessary packaging that is flooding into our lives.

“It will also fund a robust recycling system to ensure the stuff that wraps our goods is more recyclable and that more of it is collected and reused.”

In October last year, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed several bills intended to combat plastic waste and promote a more sustainable and renewable economy in California.

The bills include Senate Bill 343, which bans the use of misleading recycling labels and implements other measures to reduce single-use waste pollution and support recycling goals.