Coveris has set out certain eco-friendly measures to achieve recyclability, packaging and food waste reduction as part of the new Pack Positive sustainability strategy.
The company has signed up to the 2025 UK Plastics Pact and aligned its long-term targets with the initiative, which involves businesses across the entire plastics value chain with a common vision to create a circular economy for plastics.
With a three-point reduce, recycle, sustain strategy, the company is focused on supply-chain collaboration and education to promote the positive role played by everyday packaging.
As part of its commitment to the UK Plastics Pact, Coveris, similar to other signatories, will work towards eliminating unnecessary disposable packaging through redesign, innovation or alternative models.
By signing up to the pact, the company has also pledged to make all of its plastic packaging reusable, recyclable or compostable, 70% of plastic packaging effectively recycled or composted.
The signatories are also required to ensure 30% average recycled content across all plastic packaging.
Coveris UK president Gary Rehwinkel said: “Over recent years, Coveris has worked strategically with retailers and manufacturers to drive down food waste across the supply-chain and improve the functionality of packaging.
“We now need to broaden our long-term sustainable outlook to focus more on the end-of-life function of our products to support a circular-economy and ensure our recyclable products are, in fact, recycled.”