Beverage innovation company Drinkworks has partnered with plastics technology innovator Loop Industries to launch the Free Mail-Back Programme to recycle and upcycle used drink packaging.
As part of the programme, the beverage company is urging customers to return Drinkworks Home Bar by Keurig used pods of cocktail, brew and cider, which will be recycled by Loop.
Customers need to drop the empty pods in recyclable Loop and Drinkworks co-branded mail-back pouches, seal and drop them in the mail.
The company is offering pouches free of charge upon request and plans to expand the availability online at retail stores later this year.
Loop Industries chief growth officer Nelson Switzer said: “Drinkworks has developed a fun and innovative way to help consumers enjoy the full cocktail experience from their own home and they have harnessed their innovative spirit to ensure their pods are fully recyclable, too.
“Providing consumers access to a free programme to recycle and upcycle the PET content in their pods increases the sustainability of their pods and system, especially as the Loop logo will appear on Drinkworks pods and packaging reminding consumers to upcycle.”
The beverage firm launched Drinkworks Home Bar by Keurig under a pilot programme in November 2018 in St Louis, Missouri.
According to the company, the pods are manufactured using recyclable materials, on-board chilling and carbonation systems.
Loop Industries currently uses technology to depolymerise no and low-value waste PET plastic such as plastic bottles and packaging.