The two-year Svarnish project is expected to complete by the end of August, which is designed to overcome the packaging limitations in the food industry.
The European project has been designed to provide packaging solutions by simplifying multilayer structures used in current market, in addition to developing environmentally friendly, low-cost and recyclable packaging solutions by using the advances in nanotechnology.
Started in October 2013, the project involves development of a varnish with antimicrobial, oxygen and water vapour barrier properties and improved physic mechanical properties that can be used in food industry.
Eight entities from different EU countries were included in the project consortium, comprising technological centres Aido from Spain, Matri from the UK and Nofima from Norway.
The companies in the consortium include Artibal from Spain, A Hatzopoulos from Greece, Snano from Turkey, Aroma Praha from Czech Republic and Ferrero from Italy.
Multilayer structures will be generally used by the traditional food packaging sector to provide different properties and functionalities to the packaging. The multilayer structures are expensive and difficult to recycle.
Nanotechnology has developed some improved film characteristics for food packaging, but even multilayer structures are still in use in this sector. The project is working to minimise the use of multilayer structures in the food sector.
The project is working to provide better quality product for food preservation, which will help in reducing the price and waste material of the food packaging.