Adhesives company Henkel India has selected Comexi Group as a partner for starting the first professional training academy and demo center for flexible packaging in India.
A team of global accomplished industry experts will be available at the academy to provide training, guidance and support.
Set to open in the fourth quarter of the year in Mumbai, the academy will focus on lamination techniques for the flexible packaging industry and will have a Comexi NEXUS Dual machine to run its practice sessions.
Aiming to serve India, Middle East and Africa, the academy will combine practical training with the necessary theoretical knowledge aimed at enhancing participants’ expertise to international standards. Professionals within the sector will have access to the training on a permanent basis.
The Comexi Group will install its Comexi NEXUS Dual laminating machine, while sending a team of experts to take an active part in some of the training courses and sessions. In order to demonstrate the machine and its other products to any interested professionals, the group also plans to schedule open day workshops.
Image: Henkel’s proposed academy for lamination techniques in flexible packaging in India. Photo: courtesy of Comexi Group Industries.