On 2 May UK-based flexible packaging company SIG announced the news of a packaging partnership with dairy company Hochwald. 

The partnership will see the Germay-based company adopt its family-sized SIG Vita packaging for its new plant-based products.

Four new oat-based products will be made available to the German market in SIG Vita 1000ml packaging. Hochwalds says that the new packaging offers high convenience and is an important building block of the product concept and the company’s route into the plant-based sector.

The multinational packaging company says that SIG Vita (formerly SIG Combivita) is tailor-made for modern life and meets consumer demands. The company also state that SIG Vita is the perfect partner for Hochwald’s Bärenmarke oat beverages as the company gears up for the future.

Hochwaldchief sales officer Thilo R. Pomykala said: “Entering the market for plant-based beverages with our Bärenmarke brand is a milestone for us as a dairy company. With our promising and authentic brand concept and the very tasty products, we follow the diverse requirements of our customers. The impressive packaging innovation SIG Vita rounds off this promising market launch. 

“The SIG Vita family packaging is an elegant, robust and extremely practical packaging solution that goes very well with our new Bärenmarke oat drinks. We are excited to see how we, as a company and with our brand – as a provider of attractive product concepts based on milk and now on milk-alternatives – can continue to expand this attractive product category together with our proven partner SIG.”

Pomykala added that the demand for convenient products offered in family-sized packaging had grown exponentially in recent times due to factors such as working from home and preordering products.

He said: “Available in sizes of 500, 750 and 1,000ml, SIG Vita was developed based on extensive consumer research and offers a competitive edge for beverage manufacturers like Hochwald. The organic curve on the back of the pack makes it easy to handle for consumers of all ages, while SIG’s tethered, easy open and resealable closure SIG TruCap Linked ensures a smooth and easy pouring experience.”

SIG says that sustainability is integral to its business and that the paperboard used for SIG Vita is sourced from 100% FSC-certified forests and other controlled sources, whilst the aluminium sourced is ASI (Aluminium Steward Initiative) certified. 

The company comented: “We are delighted to be partnering with Hochwald again and now jointly introducing our packaging innovation SIG Vita. The SIG Vita family pack will help Hochwald, as a new player in the plant-based beverage segment, to differentiate their SKUs and spark consumer interest. Hochwald is the first customer to use SIG’s next generation filling technology, setting the course for a new era of high-performance production in the beverage and food filling industry,” said president and general manager Europe at SIG, José Matthijsse.  

“Like all other carton packs from SIG, SIG Vita is produced with 100% renewable electricity, designed to be fully recyclable and available with polymers linked to forest-based renewable or recycled materials via a mass-balance system.”