Ireland-based Holfeld Plastics has unveiled a new version of its VSP vacuumed meat and fish skin packaging tray range.

The newly launched trays can be used to pack meats available in various sizes.

The new skinpack trays also offer a sustainable packaging option and a more natural appearance on-shelf than other trays.

Holfeld further noted that the trays help in extending shelf life of the packed content and in keeping freshness for a longer duration.

With ability to be displayed horizontally, vertically, shingled or hung, the new VSP trays provide direct on-tray vacuum packing option to the processor.

According to Holfeld, users do not have to touch the product when packing meat with the trays.

The company’s VSP range also includes boneguard and butter tray insert trays, which feature polyethylene terephalate (PET/PE) and polyolefines (PP/PE) properties and are compatible with microwave ovens.

"Holfeld further noted that the trays help in extending shelf life of the packed content and in keeping freshness for a longer duration."

Available in 12 different profiles, Holfeld's skinpack trays can be used with several ranges of films.

In July last year, Holfeld launched a new closure range, Break-Away, in order to help prevent tampering.

The closure includes a tamper visible flag that indicates whether the package has been opened and is available in tubs and trays.

Suitable to pack soft fruit, bakery and confectionery markets, Break-Away keeps packed product fresher for longer periods and extend shelf life.

Image: Holfeld’s new VSP vacuumed meat and fish skin packaging tray. Photo: courtesy of Holfeld Plastics.