
Kruger Brau brewery in South Africa has deployed a semi-automatic canning system, developed by Cask Brewing Systems, for beer packaging.

The South African company is the first customer for Cask in the country, and will be able to produce over 40 cases of beer every hour using the new equipment.

Kruger Brau brewery founder JR ‘Rudie’ Kruger said: "This would ensure that my beers are of the highest quality and that I can keep my overhead, operating, and especially my transport costs low."

Cask’s semi-automated canning system comes in a compact design, and is said to be ‘an affordable unit of an appropriate size and capacity’ for Kruger Brau brewery.

The equipment supplies low levels of dissolved oxygen, ranging between 15-20 parts per billion, which can ensure extended shelf life and preserve the flavour of canned beer.

"Our canning machines give small brewers an affordable, small-scale way to package their beer."

It offers automatic lid application, the benefits of which include under-lid gassing, and air pickup levels as low as fully automated canning lines.

Besides being cost-effective and labour efficient, the micro-canning equipment can handle multiple can heights, Cask said.

Cask Brewing Systems founder Peter Love said: "Our canning machines give small brewers an affordable, small-scale way to package their beer.

"And they allow those brewers to put their beer in a package that’s portable, infinitely recyclable, and gives their beer the ultimate protection from light and oxygen."

Kruger Brau is the second microbrewery in the country to package beer in aluminum cans.

The firm manufactures four beer variants, including Cheetah African Ale, Sunset American Pale Ale, Lazy Boy English Brown Ale, Irish Mule Irish Red Ale.

Kruger said: "Our beer cans will be unique on the retail shelves in terms of color, shape and size."

Image: Kruger Brau is the second microbrewery in the country to package its beer in aluminum cans. Photo: courtesy of Cask Brewing Systems.