Denmark-headquartered toy company Lego has revealed plans to invest up to $400m over three years to speed-up sustainability efforts.  

The investment will facilitate both long-term investments and on-going costs.

The Denmark-based company announced in 2018 plans to phase out single-use disposable plastics and to shift to 100% sustainable packaging by 2025.

In line with its packaging sustainability commitment, the company will start replacing the single-use plastic bags from its boxes. The plastic bags are currently used to package loose bricks in the Lego boxes.

As part of this 2025 ambition, the company will also work on removing single-use plastic in all its products, packaging and operations, as well as from all offices, factories and stores. By 2030, it aims to have all its products produced using sustainable materials.

Starting next year, Lego will pilot Forest Stewardship Council-certified recyclable paper bags in boxes.

The Lego Group CEO Niels B Christiansen said: “We cannot lose sight of the fundamental challenges facing future generations. It’s critical we take urgent action now to care for the planet and future generations.

“As a company who looks to children as our role models, we are inspired by the millions of kids who have called for more urgent action on climate change. We believe they should have access to opportunities to develop the skills necessary to create a sustainable future.

“We will step up our efforts to use our resources, networks, expertise and platforms to make a positive difference.”

The company has trialled various prototypes produced using different sustainable materials. It has received positive reactions from children.