Canadian retail store chain London Drugs has launched a new recycling initiative that encourages customers to bring their Halloween candy wrappers to the company’s stores in British Columbia.

The retailer aims to keep Halloween snack packaging waste out of city landfills.

The recycling drive is part of London Drugs’ Other Flexible Plastic Packaging recycling initiative, which is part of not-for-profit recycling firm RecycleBC’s new take-back programme.

As part of the initiative, the retailer is now accepting chocolate bar and candy wrappers, as well as potato chip bags.

London Drugs Retail Operations Sustainability Specialist Maury McCausland said: “We want to help British Columbians celebrate Halloween with a bit less waste by making one simple suggestion: instead of throwing out your candy wrappers and chip bags, bring them to London Drugs for recycling.”

The items collected from customers will be sent to post-consumer processing specialist Merlin Plastics, which will use them for research and development in order to develop a commercially viable recycling process.

According to London Drugs, material that is non-recyclable will be recovered and used to produce engineered fuel for application in commercial operations such as concrete plants.

“We want to help British Columbians celebrate Halloween with a bit less waste.”

London Drugs’ Other Flexible Plastic Packaging recycling programme covers several products, including stand-up and zipper lock pouches, crinkly wrappers and bags, flexible packaging with plastic seals, non-food protective wrap, and net bags used for fruits and vegetables.

The company sells pharmaceuticals, electronics, housewares, and cosmetics. It intends to tackle food wrappers, which are a common source of marine litter.

McCausland added: “The volume of wrapper waste is significant – that’s why we’re making a commitment to help address it, not just at Halloween but year-round.

“Last year, with the help of our customers and staff, our stores celebrated a 93% waste diversion rate. This programme will help get us one step closer to zero-waste.”