Sick Pak

Industrial sensors producer Sick UK has introduced new photoelectric sensor DeltaPac to detect individual packs in the production process that do not have gaps between them.

DeltaPac will help to achieve high levels of accuracy and throughput speeds, while reducing the risk of pile-ups and stoppages.

Sick UK industrial sensor specialist Phil Dyas said that DeltaPac uses patented technology to eliminate the need to separate packs on a FMCG production line.

"Up until now, a clear gap had to be left between packs in order for an optical sensor’s beam of light to be returned by the reflector positioned on the opposite side of the conveyor," Dyas added.

The sensor detects changes in outline contours of the packs at speeds of up to 3m/s and 200,000 units an hour, which results in a more reliable upstream control process and downstream accuracy for printing, labelling and palletisation.

DeltaPac eliminates the pack buffering and separation mechanisms on conveyor lines, paving the way for new possible designs of packaging machines.

It detects folded edges, rounded, radiused and faceted corner packages, and eliminates the collision between packs for a stable packaging flow.

The Sick DeltaPac is contained in a 42mm by 42mm by 45mm IP67 housing, suitable for side or overhead mounting. Four LEDs and two energy sensors are controlled by the company’s SIRIC ASIC technology.

The optional input / output link communication aids data communications with downstream operations as well as diagnostics and sensor optimisation.

Image: Sick’s new DeltaPac photoelectric sensor detects individual packs with no gaps between them. Photo: courtesy of Sick UK.