
UK-based packaging and disposables provider Tri-Star Packaging has unveiled a dedicated cloud-based labelling business division called Tri-Label.

The new division aims to help foodservice operators, caterers and retailers produce labels from any PC and printer.

Tri-Label Online is a secure web portal through which users can change and self-print their labels in accordance with the law.

The service has been designed to eliminate the hassle and cost of complying with the new labelling regulations, enabling foodservice firms to change their labels and comply with the law with less disruption.

Using the new flexible and updateable online system allows users to make changes to their products whenever labelling regulations change.

The new online service is available for a monthly subscription fee that varies according to the size of a business.

Tri-Star and Tri-Label managing director Kevin Curran said that the new labelling regulations can be easily met with the company’s Tri-Label Online system.

"Whenever new rules come into effect, foodservice companies simply have to access their account on the Tri-Label cloud and make any changes required," Curran added.

Tri-Label Online is a marketing, management and labelling system that can be handled by a single user to create and change a label across a whole business, irrespective of the size and location of the company.

Image: New labelling range from Tri-Label Online. Photo: courtesy of Tri-Star.