US-based packaging development company Novolex has unveiled its Power Prep packaging for fresh food, comprised of a laminated and insulated wrap.
Novolex paper-based brand Bagcraft manufactured the packaging, which is designed to keep food fresh as it moves from freezing, to thawing, to re-heating.
Power Prep uses non-fluorinated oil-and-grease-resistant paper, which is laminated using a honeycomb pattern to create an insulated layer.
It is also reportedly more puncture-resistant than foil or foil/paper structures and is designed with anti-curling capabilities to allow for flat sheeting when food products are assembled at scale.
The packaging is aimed at supermarkets and other foodservice operators and is available as cut sheets in different sizes or as a roll. It can also be custom printed to include brand and promotional messaging.
Novolex director of technology for paper Tim Coulson said: “When a national convenience store needed a new flexible packaging option for grab-and-go hot sandwiches, our innovation team developed a four-layer structure specifically designed to control moisture and heat.”
Novolex’s Duro brand received a Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) certification for its paper products in 2022.
The company operates 57 manufacturing plants in North America and Europe, including two plastic film recycling facilities. Its headquarters are in South Carolina.