OptionOne Pharmacy has partnered with TemperPack to use a new packaging alternative for replacing expanded polystyrene (EPS), also known as Styrofoam.

The company will use TemperPack’s plant-based curbside recyclable material ClimaCell for all of its home deliveries of temperature-controlled medications.

OptionOne Specialty Programs vice-president Carly Casler said: “At OptionOne, our first priority is the safety of our patients. With the treatments we are delivering, temperature excursions outside the safe range are not an option.

“While we have never loved the detrimental impact of Styrofoam on the environment, it was proven and reliable. We explored a few alternatives before discovering ClimaCell. We have confidence in ClimaCell to protect the shipments to our patients.”

As part of the commitment, OptionOne is planning to replace Styrofoam from more than 700 coolers a month, using ClimaCell.

The company expects the move to divert over 13,000ft³ of Styrofoam from landfills and prevent the emission of more than 44,000lb of carbon dioxide equivalent every year.

TemperPack introduced ClimaCell to the market late last year. The new material offers a scalable alternative to EPS, combining its thermal and cushioning properties.

How2Recycle has granted the ‘Widely Recyclable’ category to ClimaCell.

In July, the US Patent Office and Trademark Office (USPTO) granted a patent for ClimaCell.

US-based grocery chain Albertsons Companies partnered with TemperPack to adopt ClimaCell for pharmacy shipments in February.