Scottish eco-friendly packaging manufacturer Cullen has today responded to the UK Government’s Plastic Packaging Tax introduced as part of yesterday’s Budget 2020.
The Plastic Packaging Tax aims to encourage companies to use more recycled plastic and will charge £200 per tonne of packaging made from less than 30% recycled plastic, starting in April 2022.
Also announced at the budget were intentions to make a strong investment in environmental research, development and innovation.
In a press release, Cullen asked if this investment was enough to help businesses put more focus on sustainable packaging.
The press release states: “Industries across the board will be affected and the tax will make it essential that due care and attention is paid to the recyclability of materials. The cost of £200 per tonne should certainly help even any cost advantage that virgin plastic might offer.
“A bolder way to get sustainability off of the backbenches of business would be to focus on alternatives to single-use plastic altogether. Moulded pulp is a primate candidate to help.”
Cullen director David MacDonald said: “We’re happy to see the UK Government support the work Cullen has been doing for years; reduce the amount of plastic packaging in circulation. Moulded pulp is one of the most viable and reliable alternatives to plastic and we manufacture it in the UK.
“Ultimately, it’s made from paper, the most widely-recycled material in the UK. Moulded pulp is compostable and will biodegrade up to 450 years earlier than single-use plastic. In 14 days, Cullen can design a bespoke moulded pulp replacement for plastic packaging.”
“We are excited to know the products we manufacture can be the solution to a global problem.”