Pactiv Evergreen, a North American fresh food and beverage packaging manufacturer, has introduced its new Recycleware reduced-density polypropylene (RDPP) meat trays.  

These trays are designed to serve as an alternative to foam polystyrene, catering to packer processors in search of eco-friendlier options.  

Pactiv Evergreen food and beverage merchandising business president Eric Wulf said: “Pactiv Evergreen is dedicated to producing innovative, quality packaging with a reduced environmental impact.  

“Our new Recycleware RDPP Meat Trays are vertically integrated, meaning they are extruded, thermoformed and padded at our facilities. They are processor grade and run well on existing overwrap equipment.” 

The Recycleware RDPP meat trays can be recycled in communities that accept polypropylene trays. 

The Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) has acknowledged the Recycleware RDPP meat trays as meeting the highest criteria in the APR Design Guide for Plastics Recyclability, noted the company.  

APR president & CEO Steve Alexander said: “APR is pleased to recognise Pactiv Evergreen’s Recycleware RDPP Meat Tray as meeting or exceeding the voluntary requirements for APR Design for Recyclability Recognition. 

“The Recycleware RDPP Meat Tray was evaluated using the most stringent, industry accepted criteria that encompass a wide range of design features affecting plastics recycling.” 

Pactiv Evergreen offers a range of products that protect, package, and display food and beverages for contemporary consumers.  

It serves customers in restaurants, foodservice distributors, retailers, and food and beverage producers, packers, and processors. 

In July 2024, Pactiv Evergreen entered into a definitive agreement to divest its Pine Bluff, Arkansas, paper mill and Waynesville, North Carolina (both US-based), extrusion facility to Suzano for $110m in cash.