Prevented Ocean Plastic Southeast Asia (POPSEA) have opened a new recycling collection centre in Jakarta as part of the company’s mission to set up recycling infrastructure in underserved communities across Indonesia.    

POPSEA announced its ambition earlier in the year to open 25 centres across the globe, with the new centre in Jakarta being the latest step.

This site has the capacity to process up to 110 tons of plastic waste per month, providing scope for around 30 jobs, and is a result of an ongoing partnership with Singapore-based investment management firm Circulate Capital.

The POPSEA team aims to develop practical solutions to improve the recycling supply chain in Indonesia and provide traceable recycled plastic to global markets, generating environmental, social and economic value from the first collector to the end consumer.

To date, the Prevented Ocean Plastic programme has reportedly prevented almost two billion bottles from reaching the ocean, and grown into an award-winning initiative that works in partnership with global brands ranging from Lidl to LVMH.

POPSEA director Daniel Lawrence commented: “Our continued partnership with Circulate Capital allows us to build more collection centres in the areas that need it. As a result of their investment, we have been able to expand our areas of coverage, provide more income opportunities for collectors, and increase the amount of recycled material available for businesses to bring into their supply chain.”

Circulate Capital founding partner Regular Schegg adds: “Through the success of its model, POPSEA is creating a blueprint for preventing plastic pollution in Indonesia and the region.”