Proseal has upgraded the tray sealing machines of several fresh produce growers within UK-based cooperative Berry Gardens Growers in an effort to increase energy efficiency.

The company carried out the upgrades in the tight gap between UK growing seasons, installing a total of 34 Eseal delivery systems and 11 ProMotion tray infeed systems at sites located from Kent to Aberdeenshire.

The installation of the machines coincides with scheduled maintenance at the sites.

Proseal attributed the Eseal upgrades to achieving a reduction in the power consumption of the tray sealers.

The new electrical delivery systems enable the machines to consume 75% less kilowatts per hour and emit 2.52kg less CO2 per hour.

Proseal Sales and Control Systems head Tony Burgess said: “Given the timescale and the need to keep providing a quality service to our other customers, this was a big challenge.

“Given the timescale and the need to keep providing a quality service to our other customers, this was a big challenge.”

“However, we pride ourselves on our commitment to existing customers, and always make sure that new technology and developments are made available to them in the form of upgrades – especially where huge energy savings and performance enhancements are possible.”

Prior to the installation, the company manufactured 34 complete E-seal modular units.

Besides the 34 Eseal delivery systems, the company installed a continuous motion tray infeed system in 11 tray sealing machines across Berry Gardens companies.

ProMotion technology has the ability to increase the speed of a tray sealer by 25%, while supporting calm and stable machine operations.

Berry Gardens Group Packaging head David McCormack said: “We have a longstanding relationship with Proseal and have purchased many of their machines throughout our packhouses due to their second-to-none service and the fact they always ensure farms get the help they need during the busy growing season.

“With the new upgrades, the machines are not only faster and more energy efficient – they also perform better in terms of seal quality and product protection.”