Purdue Products has launched new packaging for its Colace stool softener and Senokot tablets, which feature the natural vegetable laxative ingredient, senna.

Driven by the company's recent research, the refreshed packaging aims to improve the selection process for consumers looking to relieve occasional constipation.

Purdue Pharma over-the-counter (OTC) marketing & sales director Stephen Fritz said: “We are committed to helping consumers better understand the advantages of the Colace and Senokot products.

“These packaging changes, including differentiating the suite of products by colour and offering clearer descriptions of their uses and benefits, will further help guide selection of the right medication to address occasional constipation needs.”

"These packaging changes will further help guide selection of the right medication to address occasional constipation needs."

For the Colace family of products, the company updated the combination stool softener and stimulant laxative product formerly known as Peri-Colace to Colace 2-in-1, making it easier to identify.

The new packaging for the Senokot portfolio now clearly allows identification of senna as an ingredient.

Purdue Pharma OTC franchise head Carrie Chomiak said: “People should have access to the best options for their at-home care, and with the new packaging updates made to Colace and Senokot products, consumers will have an easier time identifying the appropriate solution for them.”

Purdue started shipping the brands’ new packaging to the retail and wholesaling warehouses in early 2017.

The updated Colace and Senokot packs are now available on retail shelves and online shopping sites.