European manufacturer Quadpack has joined a task force to support Covid-19 coronavirus frontline workers, the company announced in a statement.

The company said that this has been done by adopting a manufacturing line to produce face shields, donating masks and protective gloves throughout health facilities in the UK and Spain, and joining a group of 3D printing experts in order to offer services to the Covid-19 task force.

The company said: “In less than a week, Quadpack Plastics adapted its manufacturing line to make plastic pieces for face shields, helping COVID-19 efforts. With the support of dozens of partners which donated raw material, services and products, an obsolete plastic mould adapted to the new project and the hard work of many Quadpackers, we are now producing and assembling 100,000 face shields to be donated to Spanish governments and institutions.

“Our suppliers in Asia have made generous donations to Quadpack to support the task force against the virus: thousands of masks and protective gloves are now being distributed to health facilities in the UK and Spain.

“As these projects develop and reach the true heroes in this fight against the virus, Quadpack is proud to revisit hopes and expectations for 2020. We believe every crisis brings valuable lessons, and by supporting the community and playing our part as corporate citizens we are convinced we can live, work and dream about the future stronger together.”