Packaging solutions provider Saica Group and fast-moving consumer goods giant Mondelēz International have teamed up to launch a new paper-based packaging solution targeted at the confectionery, biscuit, and chocolate markets.

This product offers a sustainable alternative to traditional plastic multipack packaging.

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The new paper packaging boasts full recyclability within the paper waste stream, making it a significant step towards reducing virgin plastic use. 

It caters to heat-sealable packing processes and comes in coated or uncoated options to suit desired aesthetics.

Throughout development, the companies said a key focus was optimising the product for conversion and vertical form fill seal packing processes.

This ensures high-quality printing, optimal functionality, and smooth integration into existing machine-packing lines. 

Mechanical and sealing performance remains paramount, guaranteeing products reach consumers in perfect condition.

The paper packaging adheres to sustainability standards set by the Confederation of European Paper (CEPI).

This initiative aligns with Mondelēz’s ongoing ‘pack light and right’ strategy, aiming for at least a 25% reduction in virgin plastic used for rigid plastic packaging and a 5% reduction across all plastic packaging by 2025.

Mondelēz has already achieved a significant reduction in packaging materials (72,600 tonnes by the end of 2022) and strives for 98% of its packaging to be designed for recyclability by 2025.

Saica Group, mirroring Mondelēz’s commitment, actively pursues a circular economy approach.

The company has set ambitious goals in resource efficiency, circularity of materials, climate neutrality, and zero littering. 

For its flexible packaging business unit, specific targets include:

  • A 100% recyclable flexible packaging portfolio by 2025.
  • At least 5% post-consumer recycled content in products by 2025.
  • A 20% reduction in plastic content by 2025.
  • A total of 15% of flexible packaging weight derived from paper structures by 2025.

This collaboration between Saica and Mondelēz signifies a significant step forward for sustainable packaging solutions in the food market, with positive implications for the environment and responsible resource management.