Household consumer goods manufacturer SC Johnson has started a global partnership with Plastic Bank to address the issues of ocean plastic waste and poverty.

The partnership will develop 100% Social Plastic bottle from material collected by Plastic Bank.

SC Johnson will use the bottle will for its Windex line, starting in February next year.

According to a three-year agreement, SC Johnson and Plastic Bank will introduce plastic collection centres across five countries. Consumers will be able to exchange plastic for digital savings and rewards at the centres.

SC Johnson Chairman and CEO Fisk Johnson said: “More than eight million metric tons of plastic leak into the ocean every year, so building infrastructure that stops plastic before it gets into the ocean is key to solving this issue.

“I am particularly pleased that this programme we developed with Plastic Bank helps to address poverty and this critical environmental issue at the same time.”

The five countries include Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and Brazil.

In Indonesia, the two companies have already established nine collection centres. The number will increase to 509 of total collection centres and points in the five countries.

Over the course of three years, Plastic Bank also plans to collect 30,000 metric tonnes of plastic waste.

If successful, the move will prevent approximately 1.5 billion plastic bottles from entering the ocean.

Plastic Bank’s founder and CEO David Katz said: “We are eager to expand exponentially and maximise our efforts in cleaning the environment, prohibiting waste from entering the ocean and alleviating poverty simultaneously.

“There is no better partner than Fisk and SC Johnson. Other CEOs should take note.”