Speaking to Packaging Gateway in 2022, Sidel’s parent company Tetra Laval’s global vice-president of collection and recycling, Christine Leveque referenced “ongoing projects to double our installed capacity of solar panels.”

This has now been achieved through the installation of a solar panel system at Sidel’s site in Parma, Italy.

The company says the 5000-panel system will allow the facility to reduce its yearly CO₂ emissions by 871t, which is equivalent to the carbon absorption of 43,500 trees. The panels are also set to generate 40% of its electricity needs by 2024.

Phase one of the solar panel system is reportedly already operational and is currently providing 20% of the site’s electricity needs.

Sidel’s Parma facility has also seen the re-lamping of 40,000m² with LED systems with the aim of decreasing electricity consumption by 60%.

This is in addition to the conversion of heating systems from natural gas to heat pumps, which will aid the reduction of CO₂ emissions by 1950t per year.

As part of the company’s overall sustainability strategy, Sidel recently established a one-stop shop to facilitate a smooth and efficient market switch to recycled PET called ‘RePETable’.

In 2022, GlobalData’s thematic scorecard for sustainability and ethics ranked Tetra Laval as the highest-scoring company.