Sierra Nevada Brewing Co and American Recycling of Western North Carolina (WNC) have announced the formation of a new cooperative and a recycling drop-off site.
Located near Asheville, the drop-off site and the new Western North Carolina Brewery Recycling Cooperative will open in the next few months.
Both the co-op and drop-off site will be available for WNC breweries and small businesses to recycle common industry wastes.
There are currently more than 80 breweries in the region.
Sierra Nevada sustainability programme manager Leah Cooper said: “The cooperative is an effort to pool resources and leverage our shared economy of size to make a real difference in the community.
“Many craft breweries use traditional recycling methods where all recyclables are collected together.
“Because of this, they can’t recycle common industry waste like malt bags, shrink wrap, and PET strapping.”
The construction of the drop-off site was backed by funding collected by Sierra Nevada, American Recycling and local breweries.
Some of the breweries that took part in the effort are Asheville Brewing Co, Bhramari Brewing Co, Buchi, Burial Beer Co, Catawba Brewing Co, Hi-Wire Brewing, New Belgium Brewing Co, Wicked Weed Brewing and Zillicoah Beer Company.
American Recycling of WNC owner Ron Moore said: “This is a win-win for both the local breweries and American Recycling.
“We want to thank Sierra Nevada and all of the others that have helped to make this possible.”
The cooperative will also be open to businesses ‘with similar materials interested in participating’.