A market study conducted in the UK has found that colour and imagery are the most appealing aspects of packaging design among customers.
Conducted by contract packer WePack as part of a survey of more than 650 people, the study researched on public perception of packing aesthetics in the digital age during the rising growth of the e-commerce market.
Nearly 37% of them said that colour was the most attention-grabbing aspect of packaging while 25% said imagery is the most appealing feature.
Approximately 15% of the total responses favoured size, 11% said shape, another 9% opined texture and the remaining 3% of the respondents selected other aspects.
The study also found that the texture of packaging is more important among men than in women, as 70% of the 59 respondents who cited texture as a key factor were men.
Accordingly, colour is a more important packaging aspect among women.
Overall, the research found that the brands do not require re-devising their packaging design strategy in its entirety but changes can be undertaken to utilise the evolving digital platform.
WePack sales director Mick Clarke said: “Adapting to the digital age does not require brands to radically overhaul their understanding of the fundamentals of packaging design. Colour and imagery have always been and still are incredibly important.
“But this doesn’t mean tweaks cannot be made to take better advantage of digital platforms. Colour and imagery work differently on the screen and now any pictures or videos of your products are in competition with all sorts of other content on platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
“Making smart decisions and keeping things bright, bold and simple will help your brand stand out in a wash of other online content.”