Canadian company TC Transcontinental Packaging has entered a partnership with Italian coffee packaging equipment solutions manufacturer TME to deliver flexible packaging solutions to the coffee industry.

The partnership will leverage the expertise of the two companies to provide packaging solutions that will meet the requirements of the coffee industry.

The offerings will include club size packages for the wholesale market and single-serve solutions for the retail sector among others.

TC Transcontinental Packaging marketing and strategy senior vice-president Rebecca Casey said: “We aim to forge partnerships throughout the supply chain that will benefit our customers and the industry while advancing innovation.

“We are excited about the TME partnership as we have a shared customer-centric vision and are driven by common values of innovation, teamwork and performance.

“We are poised to deliver impactful solutions that will drive efficiency in roaster’s organisations and help developing new products, allowing them to remain ahead of the curve.”

TME was founded in 1982 and is headquartered in Italy. The company delivers packaging equipment to the coffee industry.

TME Packaging Solution president and CEO Claudia Merli said: “The partnership with TC Transcontinental Packaging is a step in supporting our expansion to the North and Latin American regional markets.

“We want the market to know that we are committed to creating advanced equipment that is inventive, flexible, built to satisfy production needs, and backed by a dedicated, in-market customer service and technical support team to ensure timely, attentive, and proactive service.”

TC Transcontinental Packaging is the packaging unit of TC Transcontinental. It offers flexible packaging solutions such as rollstock, bags and pouches.

Recently, the company established a Recycling Group.