From this month, Tesco will no longer order beers and ciders that use these types of plastic packaging.

All remaining stock that uses the plastic rings and shrink wraps will be sold in the coming weeks.

This initiative will allow Tesco to prevent 50 million pieces of unrecycled plastic from production every year.

It is in line with the company’s Remove, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (4Rs) strategy to eliminate extra and non-recyclable material from operations.

Since launching the strategy in 2019, Tesco has met its target of eliminating a billion plastic pieces such as tinned multipacks, lids and small bags.

Tesco quality director Sarah Bradbury said: “We are working hand in hand with some of the world’s biggest brands to tackle the problem of unnecessary plastic.

“Our mission is to remove, reduce, reuse and recycle so we use as little material as possible and ensure that all the packaging in our stores can be easily recycled.”

All brands that sell their beer and cider products to Tesco will also support the move. They will start using recyclable materials, including cardboard sleeves, boxes or rigid plastic, for their multipacks.

Dutch beer brewer Heineken, whose products are sold by Tesco, has replaced its plastic rings with the Green Grip, a fully recyclable cardboard alternative.

In March, Tesco introduced soft plastic recycling points across 171 stores in England and Wales.

The recycling points accept all soft plastics, including bread bags, fruit and vegetable packaging, crisp packets, salad bags, and pouches for baby and pet food.

Customers can return their previously unrecycled soft plastic to their local point. The plastic will then be washed, sorted and processed at a recycling centre and turned into new packaging.