Tosca has launched a new life cycle analysis (LCA) tool to help companies transporting bulk liquids reduce their environmental footprint by selecting sustainable liquid intermediate bulk containers (IBC).

The LCA tool provides data on the cradle-to-grave impact of switching to Tosca’s foldable IBCs from existing solutions. 

Reportedly, the foldable plastic IBCs outperform competitors with up to 61% greenhouse gas savings, 23% less water use and 17% lower fossil fuel consumption.

It uses the Compass platform developed by sustainability software provider Trayak and is endorsed by the Sustainable Packaging Coalition.

Tosca’s reusable packaging solutions, including their foldable IBCs, are part of a pooling model. This allows customers to share the use of the containers, reducing waste and environmental impact without significant upfront capital expenditure.

Pooling also ensures that high-quality, washed and inspected reusable assets are in the right place at the right time.

Tosca EMEA president Dan Lee commented: “Our LCA tool demonstrates our commitment to sustainability and our efforts to continuously improve the environmental impact of our products and solutions whilst also driving more efficient, higher performing supply chains.”

In March, Tosca was awarded the EcoVadis Platinum Medal as a testament to its sustainability initiatives in Europe and the UK.

GlobalData analysis finds that packaging companies that fail to adopt ESG standards will see an exodus of customers moving to more sustainable providers and a drop in profits.