Italy’s Toscotec will rebuild the dryer section of Smurfit Kappa Papelsa’s PM 1 located at Barbosa mill in Colombia.
Smurfit Kappa Group (SKG) provides paper-based packaging solutions, with around 45,000 employees across 370 sites in 34 countries. It is present in 21 European countries and 13 in the Americas.
The company aims to improve efficiency with the rebuild, as well as increase operating speeds. It also aims to improve reel gross production over 40%.
The dryer section modification includes the application of TT SteelDryer technology throughout the entire paper machine, with 5 sections and a total number of 42 dryers. The deal also includes the supply of an advanced rope-less tail threading system and sheet stabilisation, designed to reach an operating speed of 1000mpm.
To be supervised and commissioned by Toscotec, the expected erection and start-up is scheduled for the beginning of next year. Currently, steel dryer Toscotec technology is running over 1,200 units across the globe and has been providing drying capacity.
The new 11bar coded TT SteelDryers provide higher heat transfer rates due to the thinner shell thickness of the steel dryer. It also provides wider drying face length with the same space requirements, leading to the possibility of drying a wider sheet width.
Currently, Toscotec offers complete production lines, plant retrofits, and individual machineries, as well as serving paper producers with customised solutions.
Image: Toscotec will rebuild the dryer section of Smurfit Kappa Papelsa’s PM 1 located at Barbosa mill in Colombia. Photo: courtesy of Toscotec.