Trinity Packaging has announced plans to invest $9.5m to expand capacity at its operation in Rocky Mount, Franklin County, Virginia, US.
Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe said that the addition of 25 new jobs in the sector is significant.
"Trinity Packaging Corporation continues to grow in Franklin County, as this project is the company’s second major investment in its Rocky Mount operation in less than four years. Trinity’s history spans nearly 100 years, and we are proud that this valuable Virginia employer is on the roster of companies that continue to bolster the thriving advanced manufacturing industry in the commonwealth," McAuliffe added.
The Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP) worked with Franklin County, Rocky Mount and the Roanoke Regional Partnership to help secure the project for Virginia. McAuliffe approved a $65,000 grant from the Governor’s Opportunity Fund in order to help secure the project. It also received $75,000 in Tobacco Region Opportunity Funds from the Virginia Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Commission. The packaging firm will also receive manufacturers’ Sales and Use tax exemptions, and funding and services support for its training activities through its Virginia Jobs Investment Program, the Virginia Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity.
Trinity Packaging entered into the plastics market as a paper bag converter and has expanded its plastics product offerings for the past several decades.