India’s Uflex has invested in new laser scoring technology that offers non-contact and easy-to-open flexible packaging solutions to a wide range of FMCG brands.

Designed to eliminate the need for mechanical tooling or associated consumables, the laser scoring technology provides precise and consistent score flexible packaging capability at controlled depths at varying web speeds.

The new technology features score lines in specified areas of the film / laminate and forms a narrow channel in the material for a tear to follow.

A laser effectively weakens targeted layers of packaging material to produce score lines without compromising the barrier properties of the flexible film.

Uflex packaging manufacturing plants are currently capable of producing different laser scoring configurations, such as half-moon, wedge, umbrella and slant cuts.

"We have invested in sophisticated laser scoring technology that permits perfect incision in a laminate at controlled depths and variable web speeds."

Uflex chairman and managing director Ashok Chaturvedi said: “Ease of opening a pack for accessing the product is fundamental to an end user's overall experience. Some substrates within a laminate are really difficult to tear open without using a cutter / blade.

“In line with our business strategy of innovation to create value-added differentiation to the advantage of our clients, we have invested in sophisticated laser scoring technology that permits perfect incision in a laminate at controlled depths and variable web speeds.

“This, in turn, allows the consumers to easily open the pack, adding to experiential delight and upholding the very ethos of flexible packaging.”

Uflexhas already provided easy to tear flexible packaging solutions to FMCG brands of snack food, ketchup, condoms, pet food, tea, coffee, rice and spices among others.

Image: Easy to open laser-scored flexible packaging by Uflex. Photo: courtesy of Uflex.