Volpak, a horizontal form-fill-seal solutions provider, and European speciality paper manufacturer Lecta have teamed up to advance the development of sustainable paper-based packaging materials.  

The collaboration is focused on assessing the viability of Lecta’s eco-friendly papers for flexible packaging applications across various sectors, including foodservice. 

Lecta noted that the focus on paper-based packaging will help the partners meet the preferences of consumers while lowering the packaging’s impact on the environment. 

As part of the project, Volpak is conducting extensive tests within its pouch lab, an internal research and development facility dedicated to evaluating the material’s machinability and durability. 

The aim is to ensure these sustainable papers can be integrated into current packaging processes, maintaining efficiency and quality.  

The partnership is a multiphase project, currently in the trial stage, with actual products to verify the effectiveness of the papers and achieve necessary certifications for market release. 

It is driven by a shared mutual commitment between the companies towards innovation and sustainability in the packaging industry, which is increasingly seeking greener solutions, Lecta said.  

Lecta has already launched barrier products suitable for various packaging needs such as flow packs, sachets, and butter wrappers, and continues to develop materials with specific barrier properties and heat-sealability. 

Volpak caters to the pouch-type packaging industry and specialises in horizontal form-fill-seal solutions.